Taking Christ as Life and Everything for us to be Transformed and Built up Together

I have never before considered the tabernacle and the priesthood together, but this week I have seen something further concerning this: the Lord’s heart’s desire is the building, the main emphasis of the Bible is life and building, and the tabernacle (the building of God) is actually the same as the priesthood (the built up […]

The Emphasis in the Bible is on God’s Building; our Unique Need is to be Built Up

Christ today is building up His church; God’s goal is His building, and our unique need is for us to be built up. The entire Bible speaks of life and building: God is life, He gives Himself to man as life in the form of food (the tree of life) and drink (the living water) […]

The Church is Composed of God’s Redeemed People as a Spiritual House and a Priesthood

After seeing that the entire Bible speaks mainly of life and building, we today come to the matter of the tabernacle and the priesthood: the tabernacle is the priesthood, and the church is both a spiritual house and the priesthood. The basic and central revelation of the Bible are life and building; from Gen. 2 all […]