as the factor to enact God’s New Testament economy, Christ replaced all the sacrifices with Himself

Praise the Lord – everything of the old is gone, now everything is new! God is new, Christ is new, and we are the new creation! In His incarnation and His death Christ replaced everything of the old – including the old creation – with Himself, the new and living One! In Psalm 2, Psalm 8, Psalm 16, Psalm 22-24 we can see what kind of Christ we have in His incarnation – He came to carry out God’s will and His commission to terminate the old and bring in the new creation. We were included in the old creation terminated and germinated by Him! In Christ we are no longer old – we are a new creation

those who wait on Jehovah will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles!

In the book of Isaiah we see a contrast between a man in the old creation(king Hezekiah, ch. 36-39) and a man in the new creation (ch. 40). No matter how good and spiritual Hezekiah was, because he was still in the old creation, he needed to be terminated and replaced with Christ! A person […]

the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2) – the 2010 Winter Training Banners

In December 2010 there was the Winter Training (one of the seven annual feasts) – and so here are the banners for the second part of the training on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah. To find out more updates and enjoyment from the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah, read the articles tagged with crystallization study of Isaiah, training […]