A Built-up Church is both Lovely to the Lord and a Warring Church to Defeat Satan

As believers in Christ, we are members of the Body of Christ, the church, and we are both the loving bride of Christ and the warring church, the church who fights the battle against the enemy to defeat him and stand in the victory of Christ. The church as the bride of Christ must be […]

spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – we fight the battle in the Body

The whole universe is in a state of warfare, and the believers in Christ are at the forefront of the battle. We need to see that this spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – it is not an individual believer that puts on the whole armor of God and fights against the enemy. Satan […]

being a good soldier of Christ Jesus and an athlete contending in the games

In Rev. 18:13 we see that the cargo of the material Babylon is gold and the souls of men. Babylon deals in the souls of men – even today, men sell their soul to their occupation and they neglect God and His eternal destiny. We need to have a job, we need to earn a living, and we need to take care of all the practical aspects of our human life, but we should not sell our soul to Satan! Our soul was created to enjoy God and express God, and we fight for God’s interest on the earth one in soul with all the saints! [continue reading online]