God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, are related to man!

From eternity past to eternity future, God was, is, and will be. He simply exists: He existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe (Gen 1:26)! For this, […]

We can sow and plant Christ as the tree of life! It is God who gives the growth!

Christ said, “I am the vine…” (John 15:1), “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), and “I am the way, the reality, and the life” (John 14:6). These verses show us that Christ is the tree of life – a vine tree, reaching out everywhere, full of the divine life. And we are the […]

the meaning of our Christian life

God’s intention with man is seen in a consistent way from Genesis to Revelation. In the book of Genesis, after creating man, He didn’t give him a list of to do/not to do things – God placed man in front of the tree of life (indicating that God wants to be man’s life – He’s […]