We’re being Headed up through the Divine Dispensing, God’s Household Arrangement

God’s intention is to head up all things in Christ; He doesn’t do this in a forceful way or a sneaky way (as Satan does) but in a sweet and intimate way, for we are headed up through the divine dispensing! Amen! God’s eternal will, which relates to what God wants and what He intends […]

We are Headed up in Christ through the Divine Dispensing which is Sweet and Intimate

In the church life we are being headed up through the divine dispensing in the divine economy, for God is working Himself into us through an administration that is a sweet dispensing, an intimate stewardship, and a comfortable household arrangement. When most Christians hear about the fact that God wants to head up all things […]

God is Heading Up All Things in Christ as We Constantly Receive His Divine Dispensing

Christ in ascension is continually dispensing and transmitting all that He is and has accomplished into every member of His Body, the church. The great goal of this divine transmission is none other than the heading up of all things in Christ (see Eph. 1:10). God’s desire is to head up all things in Christ […]