Focus on Christ and Think the One Thing: to Enjoy and Experience Christ Subjectively

 As believers in Christ, we need to focus on Christ and think the one thing – the enjoyment and experience of Christ in a subjective way day by day. Since the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ is the unique solution to all the problems in the church, we should focus on the one thing […]

We Take Christ as our Person in our Speaking to Speak the Same Thing with One Mouth

For the church as the one new man we all need to take Christ as our person in our speaking so that we may think the same thing and speak the same thing with one mouth. This doesn’t mean that we are becoming like robots speaking the same words, same intonation, at the same time, […]

Thinking the Same Thing, the Subjective Experience of Christ for the Church Life

For us to have the same mind and the same love toward one another in the Lord, we need to think the same thing, that is, we need to think and consider the enjoyment and experience of Christ, and have the subjective knowledge and experience of Christ. The book of Philippians is not only on […]