The Father Commissioned the Spirit to Reach us and Bring us to Christ as His Bride

God is a “bachelor”, seeking someone to love, match, and marry. He is Almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-inclusive, and yet He has a need – God needs to “get married”! The first two chapters of the Bible correspond to the last two in that they tell us about a couple: in the beginning we have […]

if you’re not drinking Christ you’ll never be satisfied!(college age conference sharing)

Why are people immoral? Because they are not satisfied. In the world we fill ourselves with meaningless and temporary pleasures such as education, clothes, money, and religion. However the only way we can be truly filled is by drinking the Living Water that Jesus provides. In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a […]

Christ as life meets every man’s need (sharing from the college age conference)

The Gospel of John is a book on life and building. It tackles nine cases of man and how Christ as life meets every man’s need. In this Gospel we see that nothing in this world can satisfy us. We were made as a vessel to contain God. We have to see our true condition […]