Christ as life meets every man’s need (sharing from the college age conference)

The Gospel of John is a book on life and building. It tackles nine cases of man and how Christ as life meets every man’s need. In this Gospel we see that nothing in this world can satisfy us. We were made as a vessel to contain God. We have to see our true condition […] – is it human to need God? YES, we as men need God!

Good question – do we as human beings need God? And if we do, why do we need God? Is it because we’re weak and sinful? What if our humanity and moral standard is quite high? What if we don’t habitually sin? And what’s God’s plan / His desire for us? – these questions and […]

It is human to need God; as men, we need God!

I read this tract recently: It’s Human to need God, and I realized that it is so true: as human beings, as men, we need God! It’s not mainly because we are sinners that we need Him – Adam, in the garden of Eden, was not a sinner yet, and still he needed God as […]