Let’s pray for the saints to shepherd people out of love for them, an interest in them, a burden for them, and adequate prayer for them

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would shepherd people out of love for them, an interest in them, a burden for them, and adequate prayer for them, practicing to write down their names, praying for their spiritual welfare constantly, visiting them regularly, bringing them to home meetings, and establishing them in the church […]

maintaining a pleasant spirit and a sweet oneness in the church life through prayer and fellowship

In the church life, in the practical Body life, there are all ages for the Lord’s testimony – young ones, children, young adults, middle-aged saints, and older saints. Especially in the world and mainly related to position and ambition, there is much friction between the different generations – but to have dissensions between the younger […]

honoring the Lord by allowing the Holy Spirit to take the lead in what we do

If we look back at the way things were in the beginning, many times we are so exposed – we need to be recovered back to God’s original intention and His original way of doing things. We have been spoiled through years and centuries of human religion and tradition, and even our reading and our […]