when we really see a vision of the Body of Christ we realize our need for fellowship

At the home meeting last night we were enjoying something regarding Being a Member in the Body and Needing the Fellowship in the Body, and I was reminded again of the fact that we all need a fresh vision of the Body of Christ! The Body of Christ is NOT a physical thing, and is […]

in all the things we do for the Lord in the church, we need to stop first and have fellowship!

This morning I was impressed with these simple principles of the Body of Christ as unveiled in 1 Cor. 12:24, But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked. What does it mean that God has blended the Body together? It […]

How do I know if I am in the flesh or in the spirit? Knowing the inner sense of life…

This has been a puzzling question to myself. Perhaps, most of us, though we’ve been in the church life for quite some time and have some growth and experience of the Lord, at some point we’re brought to a place of wondering in our being asking ourselves, “Am I in the flesh or in my […]

maintaining a pleasant spirit and a sweet oneness in the church life through prayer and fellowship

In the church life, in the practical Body life, there are all ages for the Lord’s testimony – young ones, children, young adults, middle-aged saints, and older saints. Especially in the world and mainly related to position and ambition, there is much friction between the different generations – but to have dissensions between the younger […]