Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering to Have an Upper Room Consecration and Become Ashes

The church life began when a group of people had an “upper room consecration” to become a corporate burnt offering to God for His satisfaction; this triggered and drew God’s blessing, and many were “burnt” and attracted to Christ by their corporate testimony. In our Christian life we need to never “let the fire on […]

What does the Bible Really Say about the Father’s House and the Many Abodes in John 14?

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He takes all-inclusive tender care of all His sheep (John 10) for the Father’s house (John 14). Through His shepherding, all the believers are being redeemed, regenerated, and transformed to be united, mingled, and incorporated with the Triune God in the Father’s house, the church, the Body […]

Growing in Life and Being Transformed to Become Precious Materials for God’s Building

God’s purpose to have man as His expression and representation on earth is fulfilled in the way of life. Firstly, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in, enjoy, and partake of so that man may have God’s life and may grow in life. Secondly, God in Christ as the […]

We Become God’s Fellow Workers by Growing in Life and by Being Transformed

All the believers in Christ have the privilege to be God’s fellow workers, those who work the work of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 16:10) and even abound in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). The way to do this is not by seeing the need to do something for God and going […]