We Reject our Natural Disposition, Trust in God, and Live by the All-Fitting Life in our Spirit

In the Lord’s work, we need to reject ourselves, oppose our disposition, and not be limited by our natural disposition; we need to live by the divine life who is able to endure all things, fit all situations, and meet all needs for the fulfilment of God’s purpose. Many people – believers and unbelievers alike […]

We first Enjoy God and are filled with Him and then Work with Him in Oneness with Him

As the people of God, we must bear a sign that we are God’s by resting with God, enjoying God, and being filled with God first, and then we can work with the One who fills us; we must first enjoy God and be filled with Him before we can work with Him and for […]

Taking the Lord as our Real Sabbath Rest and Laboring with Him as our Strength

It is very significant that, after God gave Moses the specific instructions concerning the tabernacle and about the workers of the tabernacle, He reminded His people concerning keeping the Sabbath; keeping the Sabbath was a perpetual contract or covenant between God and His people, a sign showing everyone that they belong to Him (Exo. 31:13). […]

We Become God’s Fellow Workers by Growing in Life and by Being Transformed

All the believers in Christ have the privilege to be God’s fellow workers, those who work the work of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 16:10) and even abound in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). The way to do this is not by seeing the need to do something for God and going […]

Doing God’s Work by His Power (not our power) and For His Glory (not our glory)

In working for God and in doing anything for God’s interest on earth we need to allow God to be the initiator, we need to work by His power, and all the glory needs to be His. Even when God initiates something and we join in to work together with Him, our work and the […]

We FIRST need to enjoy the Lord and rest in Him, and THEN we can work together with God!

This is a great spiritual principle in the Bible and in our daily Christian life, and it is based on the fact that God created man not to WORK for Him but for man to be satisfied with God and rest with God! Man’s first day on earth after he was created was God’s rest […]

we are now one with Christ and part of the corporate Servant of Jehovah(as typified by Israel)

As we saw previously, in the book of Isaiah there are at least three persons that typify Christ and also typify us – Cyrus the king, Isaiah the prophet, and the people of Israel. Even though Cyrus was a Gentile king, God chose Him, formed him, prepared him, and strengthened him to do His will […]