We are being Reduced to Ashes to be Transformed in Resurrection for the New Jerusalem

 The God-man living is the life of the burnt offering; we must allow the Lord to burn us so that we may be a continual burnt offering to burn others and be reduced to ashes to become the New Jerusalem for God’s expression. Amen! What is the God-man living? What is the living of […]

everything we need, God as the “I AM” is! We can enjoy Him by turning to Him!(Poland camp 2011)

When God called Moses (Exo. 3:14), He revealed his name – He is the “I AM”, the “I am who I am”. Only GOD IS – He is the eternal One, without beginning or end. Everything else: Satan, the world, our problems, our feelings, etc DON’T EXIST! God is, and we are not! There is […]