the messages from the Young People’s Conference in Poland 2011 are online at

This announcement/tip, though not very “important” outwardly or to some, it is so important to many of us who have been following the 2011 Poland Camp and the European Young People’s Conference in Poland series that it needs its own blog post. And that’s right, these messages are online now, ready to be downloaded and […]

seeing the world, the life in the world, and the way to escape: HALLELUJAH!!! (2011 Poland Camp)

In this year’s Young People’s Conference in Poland I appreciated the brothers pointing out the facts to us – as seen in Exodus. These facts are concerning Egypt (the world system that Satan created), concerning what life in Egypt is like, and how to escape the tyranny and slavery of Egypt. I was impressed that […]

when God’s people move, God moves; if God’s people do not move, God has no way to move(2011 Poland camp)

To start things off, the Poland young people conference is not the only young person conference I have ever been to. I was raised up as a “church-kid”, born and raised under parents who met when they joined the church life. So, I already had a taste of the youthful ecstasy that the Poland conference […]

the world situation and God’s move: Lord, make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites! (2011 Poland camp)

I have been wanting to go this conference since I was 14 (which was 6 years ago). It was a dream come true and I am so thankful that the Lord opened a way for me to go. I was also re-baptized! This year’s topic was the Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy portrayed in Exodus. […]

the Lord always sees us as the overcomers, the age-turners, kings and winners! (2011 Poland camp)

I was counting down the days left until the conference(which was the 17th time the young people in the Lord’s Recovery in Europe met at the Poland camp), and finally there were no days left! I enjoyed this conference very much: God was really speaking to me every day during this camp! What touched me […]

what happens today in the world is NOT normal: we need the Lord to open our eyes!(2011 Poland camp)

In the recent Poland Camp, I was very touched by the message about the crucifixion of Christ. His disciples ran away, and it seems that even the Father has left Him alone… He was surrounded by people who scoffed at Him and mocked Him. Jesus suffered all of it, all this pain. Even though He […]

The cry of the Israelites was desperate, the eagerness of God was great, but the growth of Moses was slow(2011 Poland camp)

Though I must admit there were many things that touched me deeply during the conference time in Poland, it was these words that took root in my mind and caused the Lord to finally win in wrenching open my stubborn heart. They are simple enough, right? The cry of the Israelites was desperate and the […]