Transformation Issues in Building up the Church Consummating in the New Jerusalem

The issue of God’s transforming work is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem. God doesn’t want to transform us so that we may be “shining gems in the universal spiritual museum”; He wants us as His people to be transformed so that we would be built up […]

The Mending Ministry is More than Fixing a Hole; it Makes us Suitable for God’s Building

There’s a certain correlation between the occupation of those called by the Lord Jesus to follow Him and their future ministry in the Lord. When the Lord Jesus called Peter and Andrew, they were casting the net into the sea to catch fish (Matt. 4:18-20); Peter’s ministry was to catch men alive, to be a […]

the spirit is in the soul, the soul in the body, and the body is in time(college age conference sharing)

Praise the Lord for this past College Age Conference – it really refreshed my love and my consecration towards the Lord Jesus! It reminded me that I am such a thirsty sinner just like the Samaritan woman when she came to draw water from the well (John 4). We keep on drinking the worldly water […]

The highest and supreme requirement for a Christian is to be built up and be buildable

The Lord has a supreme and highest requirement of us all – to be built up with one another in the Triune God. Yes, you may love the saints, you may be spiritual, you may be faithful to the God-ordained practices – things which are good and we must all do – but if you’re […]

The Bible is about Life and Building; God is seeking a building, and we are saved for God’s building!

In the entire Bible we see that God is seeking a building. The very first vision in the Bible, which sets the principle for all the following visions in the Bible, is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28 – a vision of Bethel, God’s dwelling place. All the spiritual visions in the Scriptures are with God’s […]