God’s People need to Match God in order to be Qualified to Inherit the Good Land

The book of Deuteronomy speaks of the kind of person who is qualified to inherit the good land; we need to match God in what He is, that is, the inheritors need to match the Giver of the inheritance! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Becoming Qualified to Inherit […]

Christ is the Steward in God’s house, a father to us, and the One who holds the key of David!

Hallelujah for Christ as the Unique Replacement of everything else with Himself in God’s economy! In Isaiah, we see another full type of Christ in the person of Eliakim who is set by God to replace Shebna, to be the steward in the house of the king. But it’s not just that: in only 3 […]