the reality of the church life today is the kingdom of God in this age

Praise the Lord, the church life today has as its reality the kingdom of God, but by simply “being in the genuine church life” we may not necessarily be in the kingdom of God. We are in the kingdom in reality only when we live and walk by the spirit (Gal. 5:25). If we live, walk, behave, and have our being in ourselves as the old creation, we are not in reality in the kingdom of God even though outwardly we may be in the church life. Only when we live, walk, behave, and have our entire being altogether in our spirit are we in the church as the kingdom of God! [continue reading online]

Christ is the Steward in God’s house, a father to us, and the One who holds the key of David!

Hallelujah for Christ as the Unique Replacement of everything else with Himself in God’s economy! In Isaiah, we see another full type of Christ in the person of Eliakim who is set by God to replace Shebna, to be the steward in the house of the king. But it’s not just that: in only 3 […]