Being a Christian student on the campus – balancing our studies and our Christian life

Over the years, I’ve realized that if I just give the Lord the time and go to some meetings in a consistent way, He honors this and takes care of me. In reality, our education is for the Lord – and our whole life is for the Lord – and He knows we need to take care of these practical things. Yes, the Lord wants us to take care of them in a proper way, but our life with Him is more important than any outward schooling, habit, practice, station etc.

Being a Christian Student on the campus – no matter how busy you are, never leave the church life!

It is both crucial and watering to attend the home meetings, the prayer meetings, and the Lord’s table meetings as much as you can; it would be excellent to make it to as many conferences as possible too. However, as students, our priorities right now are to take care of our studies, and we shouldn’t just aim for “average” – we should definitely aim for the highest, best education

being a christian student on the campus – take care of the Lord first and make a schedule!

If you give the Lord one hour, He will give you two hours back. Writing an essay is not a matter of ‘quantity’ of time, it’s a matter of ‘quality’. I’ve found that once I’ve enjoyed the Lord, my mind is calm and I’m able to sit down and actually get something done! If I start an essay without touching the Lord, it’s really like untangling a big ball of spaghetti!

being a Christian student on the campus: Love the Lord and gain Him – there is no other way!

Given the insurmountable workload, the constant stress, and the many “attractions” that university life has to offer, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that we have been called out of the world and into Him – we have been called to be a lover of Christ. To this, I have many a times fallen victim. Yet, the Lord is gracious. If we only turn back to Him, He is faithful to be our daily moment-by-moment supply.

being a Christian student on the campus: seeing our studying in the light of God’s economy

Recently I have been pondering on the matter of a healthy balance of studying whilst maintaining my enjoyment and love for the Lord. I am still in the process of learning and experiencing living this healthy life but here are some insights into this daily life. We as Christian students on the campus need to see our studying in the light of God’s Economy. Now you may ask, what do you mean by this statement? [read more online]

being a Christian student on the campus: enjoying the Lord and testifying Him!

What does it mean to be a Christian Student on the campus – how do you Love the Lord and at the same time Take Care of Your Studies? – here’s the answer two Christian Students on the campus (one in London and the other in the USA) would give from their own experience.

the full time training is for the building up of the Body of Christ! (short testimony)

Even though I was in the FTTL for a short period of time, I was brought into the realization of a lot of things. WE NEED TO BE TRAINED! After one month and one week of short term training, I realised that 2 years is definitely necessary. In the training, you are brought on the high mountain and you enjoy God’s presence and His infusion. Can you imagine – Moses went up to the mountain and stayed there to enjoy the infusion of the Lord for “JUST” 40 days, and this caused him to express the glory of God? What about being in God’s presence for 2 years? [testimony from a brother who recently joined the FTTL short-term]