Being a Christian Student on the campus – no matter how busy you are, never leave the church life!

It is both crucial and watering to attend the home meetings, the prayer meetings, and the Lord’s table meetings as much as you can; it would be excellent to make it to as many conferences as possible too. However, as students, our priorities right now are to take care of our studies, and we shouldn’t just aim for “average” – we should definitely aim for the highest, best education

the world situation and God’s move: Lord, make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites! (2011 Poland camp)

I have been wanting to go this conference since I was 14 (which was 6 years ago). It was a dream come true and I am so thankful that the Lord opened a way for me to go. I was also re-baptized! This year’s topic was the Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy portrayed in Exodus. […]