We Preserve our Spirit in Sanctification by Keeping it from Defilement and Exercising it

God is the One who preserves our spirit, soul, and body complete, but we also need to cooperate with Him; for us to cooperate with God to preserve our spirit in sanctification, we must keep our spirit in a living condition by exercising our spirit. 1 Thes. 5:23-24 are two very precious verses who both […]

Allow the Holy Spirit to Apply the Efficacy of Christ’s Redemption to us to Cleanse us

Whenever we, the people of God, become unclean and impure because of our contact with death, we need to experience the water of impurity, that is, we need to apply the efficacy of Christ’s redemption by the sprinkling of the Holy Spirit as the living water. We may think we are OK, but in our […]

We can Enjoy and Experience the Redeeming Christ as the reality of the Red Heifer

The red heifer, the principal component of the water for impurity, signifies the redeeming Christ, for He is the reality of all the offerings and in particular as the redeeming One He can remove the defilement of death. The context of Numbers 19, where the red heifer is mentioned as part of the water for […]