We can Enjoy and Experience the Redeeming Christ as the reality of the Red Heifer

The red heifer, the principal component of the water for impurity, signifies the redeeming Christ, for He is the reality of all the offerings and in particular as the redeeming One He can remove the defilement of death. The context of Numbers 19, where the red heifer is mentioned as part of the water for […]

The Redeeming Christ as the Reality of the Red Heifer Cleanses us from Impurity

One of the types of Christ uniquely revealed in the book of Numbers is the red heifer, which is the principal component of the water for impurity, and which signifies the redeeming Christ. The type of the red heifer is not much talked about, but it refers to the redeeming Christ who, based on the […]

Meeting with God in the Redeeming and Shining Christ by Applying the Blood of Christ

It is so enlightening to realise that the place where we meet with God, as typified by the propitiation place, is Christ Himself; whenever God meets us and speaks with us, Christ is present, and He’s the redeeming and shining Christ. It is not a small thing for us to know how to come to […]