Triumphantly Run the Race for the Prize – the Out-Resurrection from the Dead!

 In order for us to arrive at the out-resurrection and therefore obtain the prize, we need to triumphantly run the race for the prize; the result of being conformed to Christ’s death is that we main attain to the out-resurrection from the dead. Paul aspired and desired fervently to pursue Christ toward the goal; […]

Remain in the Process of Death and Resurrection to Arrive at the Out-resurrection

 Our Christian life has a goal, and this goal is the out-resurrection, the extraordinary resurrection; we need to be conformed to the death of Christ and remain in the process of resurrection to arrive at the out-resurrection. In order for us as believers in Christ to attain to the out-resurrection, we need to know […]

Glorify God and Release His Divine Life by being Conformed to the Death of Christ

 For us to be conformed to Christ’s death (Phil. 3:10) is for us to take Christ’s death as the mold of our life; the more we are conformed to the death of Christ, the more we glorify the Father. The apostle Paul was a pattern to us in the matter of experiencing and enjoying […]

Taking the Death of Christ as the Mold of our Life to be Conformed to Christ’s Death

 In Phil. 3:10 Paul spoke of being conformed to Christ’s death – he desired to take Christ’s death as the mold of his life; we need to take the death of Christ as the mold in which the power of Christ’s resurrection leads us and keeps us. Such a small verse, v. 10 in […]

Aspire to Know the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings by the Power of His Resurrection

 We need to aspire to know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings; first, we receive the power of His resurrection, and then by this power, we are enabled to participate in His sufferings and live a crucified life in conformity to His death. Amen! This week we come to the second part of Phil. 3:10 […]

Like Paul, we Aspire to Know & Experience the Power of Christ’s Resurrection

 Like the apostle Paul, we aspire to know Christ and the power of Christ’s resurrection (His resurrection life), for Christ Himself is resurrection – He overcame death and came out of death triumphantly! Hallelujah! Resurrection is not just life; resurrection is the life that went through death, overcame death, and came out in resurrection, […]

Let’s pray for the trainees to see and enter into the goal of the training (3)

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the reality of the Body of Christ by living a life conformed to Christ’s death in the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4a; John 11:25a; Eph. 3:16 and note […]