Dig away and Deal with the things Condemned by the Lord in our Heart and Conscience

For us to have the flow of the divine life out of our innermost being, we must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart and also deal with our conscience to have it purified. As believers in Christ, we have drank of the smitten rock – which is Christ, and […]

Live by the Sense of Life to be under God’s Rule and let Him Shine and Flow through us

In God’s plan of recovery, we as men need to retrace our steps from human rule to God’s rule, passing through self-rule in-between; the goal of dealing with our conscience is to be brought back under God’s rule and live in the presence of God. We all are learners; we learn to experience Christ, enjoy […]

Learning to have a clear sky with a throne set up above it in our experience with the Lord

How much we need to have a clear sky between us and the Lord! Before we were saved, our spiritual sky was dark, cloudy, and even foggy – we couldn’t see God, we could not see the light, and everything was in darkness. But one day the Lord touched us and we repented, we confessed […]