Having Purity of Spirit in serving God by Dealing with all Mixture and Impureness

 The first qualification in the work for the Lord is purity; we need to deal with all the mixture in our spirit, realizing that impureness is a great killer, so that we may have a pure spirit as we function in the church life and live the Christian life. As we read and prayerfully […]

Learning to Deal with any Mixture and Defilement of Spirit under the Lord’s Light

 A big problem among the children of God is the mixture of the self with the spirit; this mixture disqualifies many from serving God, for this mixture is displeasing to God, and we need to deal with the spirit by dealing with impure motives and intentions and other mixtures within us. God hates mixture. […]

Being Identified with the Smitten Christ to Flow out the Divine Life as Living Water

 In order for us to have the outflow of life we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death, that is, we need to be identified with the smitten Christ typified by the smitten rock. The Lord Jesus as life is in our spirit, even within the deepest part of our being. […]

Dig away and Deal with the things Condemned by the Lord in our Heart and Conscience

For us to have the flow of the divine life out of our innermost being, we must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart and also deal with our conscience to have it purified. As believers in Christ, we have drank of the smitten rock – which is Christ, and […]

Having the Outflow of Life by being One with Christ in His Life-Releasing Death

As believers in Christ, we must always remember that our service to Him should be God’s flowing out to supply others with the divine life (see John 7:37-39); for this, we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death so that His life would flow through us. Serving God is not something we […]

To Minister Life is to have the Outflow of Life through the Exercise of our Spirit

As those who serve the Lord in spirit and in the church, we need to be deeply impressed with the necessity of being able to minister life (see 1 John 5:11-16), that is, to have an outflow of life. What we need in the church life is not more great gifts, talented people, or greater […]

We need to Experience the Breaking of the Outer Man for the Release of God’s Life

Every believer in Christ needs to experience the breaking of the outer man for the release of the life of God in his spirit (Heb. 4:12). When we received the Lord Jesus into us, He as the Spirit came into our human spirit and now dwells in us; the Lord is with our spirit (2 […]