God Intends for us to Remember Christ’s Redemption in a Specific and Detailed Way

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of the Passover as seen in the book of Exodus. Most believers know that Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), and their understanding and appreciation of the Passover is limited to this aspect. However, […]

Lord, make me one who loves Your appearing! Come Lord Jesus! (sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)

The Poland Conference was awesome! The brothers that shared the messages were really frank and direct – they didn’t sugar coat anything. There were a few points that I really enjoyed at this conference (the topic was, “The Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy in Exodus“). 1 ) The special fellowship time was so good! We talked […]

the blood of Christ is for our redemption and His flesh/His life is for our life supply!

In the Old Testament we have the type of the people of Israel being delivered out of Egypt (Exo. 12) – before God delivered them, they received specific instructions regarding how to prepare the Passover lamb. They had to kill the lamb and put the blood on the door posts and then they had to […]

the desire of God’s heart is His building: we are on a journey to see and become God’s building!

Hallelujah for the types, figures, and pictures in the Old Testament! They are all showing us in detail how our experience of Christ for the church is, and even the failures of the Old Testament seeking saints / the people of Israel are a type of how we also fail + go on in our […]