being a Christian Student on the campus – eating and drinking Christ, and staying in the Body!

As a Christian living in this current age, sometimes we might experience a failure of our spiritual life. Sometimes we might trip and fall a bit. Just remember the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Just remember that even the apostle Paul said “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected” and then the next phrase says, “But I pursue.” Yes! We can pursue! We have the right to pursue our precious Lord! Pursue Him with the saints! Let us forget the things behind, stretch forward to the things before, and pursue toward the goal together to the New Jerusalem. [continue reading this article online]

Being a Christian Student on the Campus – every moment we can choose to love the Lord!

How do we balance the Christian life and church life with our student life? I too, was wondering what’s the answer to this question. As students, I think, we all go “through this tunnel” and we all “cross this bridge”. Sometimes I struggle between trying to figure out whether I should go to the meetings, the Bible studies, etc. or whether I should stay home and study [continue reading online[

being saved from Satan’s usurpation and occupation to meet God’s need(2011 Poland camp)

Wow, what a wonderful Christ we have! This week at the Poland camp has really given me a different view of the world. Everything around us is just like Egypt – corrupted, perverted, vain, and all for temporary self-satisfaction. All the worldly enjoyment are used by Satan to usurp, occupy, and enslave us – he […]