Seeing Christ’s Goings Forth from Eternity in History and Into Our Heart!

There is a small phrase, “His going forth are from the ancient times” in Micah 5:2, which is the key to this whole coming week in our morning revival time. What does it mean that Christ’s goings forth are from the ancient times? The general knowledge and the common notion among the Christians today is […]

the Bible is a romance: God really loves us and He is continually courting us

The entire Bible is a divine romance, showing us that throughout the centuries God loved man and had a romance with man. From Genesis to Revelation we see a love story of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them! In the Old Testament the people of Israel were not only the people […]

eating the tree of life and being organically one with Christ as branches abiding in the vine

Even if our life would be perfect, God would not have wanted it – God wants to mingle His divine life with our human life, He wants to be joined and mingled with man to be man’s life and everything! The life we live today as Christians is a mingled life by continually minding our mingled spirit (Rom. 8:6). [continue reading online]