Exercise our spirit to Absorb the Riches of Christ into whom we’re Grafted Contrary to Nature

 As believers in Christ, we are branches of Christ, those grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him as the life-giving Spirit by denying the self to absorb the riches of Christ. Hallelujah! The types and figures in the Old Testament show us a picture of what we the New Testament […]

Abide in Christ, receive the Dispensing of Life, and Live as Part of the Tree of Life

 As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, we not only eat and drink Christ to partake of Him as our life and life supply, but we also abide in Him and become part of the tree of life, as branches in the vine. Wow, Hallelujah! […]

As those Grafted into Christ, we should Live a Grafted Life in the Mingled Spirit

 As believers in Christ, we have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, and this grafting has made us one with Him; on His side, He went through a process to be ready to be grafted, and on our side, we also went through a process to be grafted into Him. Hallelujah! […]

God and Man can be Grafted together and become One in an Organic Union, a Grafted Life

 The relationship God desires to have with man is that He and man be grafted together and thus become one in an organic union; this is possible because man was created in God’s image and likeness, so the human life resembles the divine life. Wow, Hallelujah! The desire of God’s heart, as revealed in […]

Entering the Reality of the Body of Christ by Living in the Organic Union with Christ

We enter into the reality of the Body of Christ by living in the organic union with Christ in our daily life. This matter of the organic union with Christ is not only a high matter but also a deep one, like a deep ocean. The Spirit of God searches the things of God and […]

Fellowship means we are One Spirit with the Lord: we Enjoy Him and Keep the Oneness

We have been called into the fellowship of the Son of God (1 Cor. 1:9), that is, we have been called to be one spirit with the Lord and with the saints to enjoy all that Christ is and enjoy all that He is in the saints. The word fellowship is very much used among […]

Being Joined together in the Way of Life through Grafting for the Building of God

The revelation in Ezekiel 37 shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the House of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life, just as the bones came together and were enlivened to become an army, and the two pieces of wood were joined to be one in […]