Shepherding According to God by being One with God to Shepherd According what He is

This week we are exploring the deeper meaning and implication of the expression, “shepherding according to God” in 1 Pet. 5:2. The Lord Jesus as the good Shepherd took good care of His sheep when He was on earth, and now in His heavenly ministry He still cares for us, His flock, by interceding for […]

we are becoming the tree of life by being grafted into God and by living a grafted life!

We are not becoming “THE TREE OF LIFE” just as we are not becoming God in His Godhead, but by being grafted into Christ and as branches in the vine, we are part of the tree of life! When we are grafted into Christ, His divine life fills our human life, mingles with our human life, and spontaneously enriches, uplifts, and transforms our human life. In His economy God dispenses His divine life and element into us to mingle Himself with us and make us the same as He is. Now we are branches of the tree of life – and wherever we are, the tree of life is reaching out to others to minister life to them! [continue reading online]

eating the tree of life and being organically one with Christ as branches abiding in the vine

Even if our life would be perfect, God would not have wanted it – God wants to mingle His divine life with our human life, He wants to be joined and mingled with man to be man’s life and everything! The life we live today as Christians is a mingled life by continually minding our mingled spirit (Rom. 8:6). [continue reading online]

The Intrinsic Meaning of the Sabbath is to be Fired by Christ and Replaced by Him!

What is the Sabbath and what is the real significance, the intrinsic meaning, of the Sabbath? In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to “take one day off”, the Sabbath day, when they would just worship God and spend time with God to “do His business”. But what about us, in the New Testament? […]

Not an exchanged life, but a grafted life: Christ replaces us by living in us, with us, by us, and through us!

This week we are enjoying the fact that Christ is God’s Beloved, His Favorite, and He is the One who is all and in all in God’s economy – so He replaces everything and everyone else with Himself! In God’s eyes, Christ is the best, and Christ is the One God wants – so all […]

in His wisdom, God has made the birthright as an incentive and a reward for the seeking believers

We introduced a little what the birthright is in the previous article – the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy: what is the birthright? – and we have seen that God intended for the whole human race to enjoy this birthright: expressing Him in His image (the priesthood), having dominion over […]

Apart from Christ we are and we can do nothing! We just need to abide in Him

I was enjoying John 15:4-5 this morning, which says, Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in […]