Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as Grace in our Spirit for the Body of Christ

We need to enjoy the marvelous, wonderful, immeasurable, unlimited, and all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land by enjoying Christ as grace to us day by day for the building up of the Body of Christ! Amen! As we enjoy Christ as grace and labour on Him to gain Him by enjoying and experiencing […]

Like the Apostle Paul, We’re Entrusted with the Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God

This week I was really impressed regarding the gospel, both concerning our need to preach the gospel and concerning the gospel itself being a full and complete gospel. I grew up in a Christian family and so I heard the gospel being preached many times, and I knew like most Christians that Jesus died for […]

Eating Christ and Displaying Him as the Bread of the Presence to God and His People

The table of the bread of the presence – also called “the showbread table” – is literally the “face-bread”, the bread of God’s face. God wants His people to present to Him fresh bread for Him to feed on and for His people to feed on in His presence. This is wonderful! On the one […]

God’s shining in our hearts brings into us a priceless treasure – the Christ of glory!

This morning I was freshly impressed and supplied at the same time with God’s desire to shine in our hearts! In the Old Testament He was shining over people, mainly outwardly, but now in the New Testament, He can shine in our hearts! Without the Lord shining in us, we are in darkness; any part […]