Man Lost God and Sold himself in Slavery, but Christ brought in the Age of Jubilee

We thank the Lord that we live in the age of grace, which is the age of the jubilee, for Christ has come, He has set us free from sin and the world, and we have returned to God as our inheritance! Hallelujah! This whole week, as we are enjoying and prayerfully and thankfully studying […]

If God in Christ is everything we need, why some Christians are still unhappy or joyless?

This is a very good question. As believers in Christ, we know from the Bible that when we repented and believed in the Lord, Christ became our allotted portion with the saints in the light (Col. 1:12), and God gave Christ to us as the fattened calf (Luke 15) for us to enjoy. We were […]

in the age of the jubilee we are in the age of ecstasy – we are besides ourselves enjoying the Lord!

God intends to be man’s pleasure, man’s possession, and man’s inheritance – this is why He presented Himself to man in the beginning as the tree of life! But because man has lost his inheritance (which is God Himself) and his family (which is the Triune God and the family of God), man needs to […]