just open to the Lord and pour out your heart to Him! (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)

[This is the second part of sister Debora L’s sharing from her topmost enjoyment in the recent young people’s conference in Lipowiec, Poland. Read the first part here – the creation as a picture of our need for growth in life (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)] What made a great impression on me […]

everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!

God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]

what is in God’s heart for His people and what should our honest response be today

These days we started going through the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2), in the video training, and so here are some “gleanings” of what I enjoyed in the watching of the first message, entitled, Announcing the all-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings. I was especially impressed in the opening word with this question […]

Are you looking for the best gift? – The December 2010 truth question via The Life-Study of the Bible Radio

Recently this article caught my attention – Are You Looking for the Best Gift? Read the article online via the TruthQuestions website(Life-Study of the Bible Radio). What is a gift? A gift is a present that one gives to others. It is not worked for and it is not earned. It is simply given and […]

We need to contact Christ in our spirit by talking to Him, telling Him what’s on our heart

In order to contact something, we need to use the proper organ. For example, if you want to hear the voice of someone you need to use your ears. Now Christ is the Spirit today, so then we need to use our human spirit to contact Him. The spirit is the deepest part of our […]