God Created us in His own Image, according to His Likeness, for us to be like Him

God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that He would work Himself in Christ into us and make us the same as Him to be His corporate expression on the earth. Hallelujah! Throughout the Bible we see that God’s intention is with man, His thought is focused on man, and […]

college-age conference testimony – our enjoyment of Christ is for the building up of God’s dwelling place

In this past college age conference in London I was impressed with the fact that our enjoyment of Christ is not for ourselves only, but for the building of God’s dwelling place! O Lord, save me from being limited in my small heart! Enlarge me to have Your heart and be one with You! I […]

the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy: what is the birthright?

We have spent 1 week in Poland this year in the “Poland camp” getting into The Significance, Preciousness, and Enjoyment of the Birthright in God’s Economy. What is the birthright, and why is it so important? Especially in the Old Testament / in the old times, in a family, the firstborn son had “the birthright”, […]