We need to Experience and Enjoy Christ with His Humanity for the Building of God

If you read Ezekiel 40-48 and have the Lord’s divine light shining in your reading, you will realize that we have to experience and enjoy Christ for the Body in a detailed and specific way, as shown in all the features and details of the holy building of God. From the wall to all the […]

a genuine church is enriched in Christ, awaits the Lord’s unveiling, and enjoys Christ

This is what we aspire to, and this is what we live unto, that we may be confirmed until the end unreprovable – in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ! For this, we need to daily grow in life! A genuine church is in a daily process of growth in the divine life – after its initial receiving of grace, the church enjoys grace and trusts in the God who is both the Alpha and the Omega to finish what He has begun in them. God gives us grace and it is He who will also confirm us in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ – He is the giver of grace and the completer of our growth in life at the end. Lord, grow in us daily! [read more online]

the more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious and the more we love the church life!

The more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious. In the Body of Christ, Christ is the Head and we are the Body – and Christ is both the Head and the Body, since the Body is of Christ. When we enjoy Christ, when we touch Him in the morning, we actually enjoy Christ […]

God’s pleasure is to be the fountain of living waters to dispense Himself into us and make us His increase

This is what God desires – this is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart – to be the fountain of living waters that man may drink Him, enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and become His enlargement, His increase, His expression. In His economy, God intends to be the fountain, the source, of […]

the all-inclusive Christ as the Spirit of Jesus Christ is our daily moment-by-moment salvation!

Wow, every day this wonderful Christ becomes richer and richer, fuller and fuller, and more enjoyable! This morning I enjoyed that in the book of Philippians Christ is everything to us in our experience to be our salvation not just eternally, for the long term, but also day to day, moment-by-moment! I don’t know about […]

Christ as a man is our king, our refuge, our covering, our streams of water, and our real air conditioning!

Just like the song says, “Be specific for reality / And be done with generality / if we’ll just apply Him, we will see / He’s everything to us” – Christ in Isaiah is so much, but we can experience Him so specifically for our present situation, our specific need! He’s our drink, He is […]

we are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the gospel seeds, and branches in the vine(Poland camp 2010)

My name is Valentina, I am from Ukraine. It was my first time attending the young people’s conference in Poland / the Poland camp. I was touched by the special fellowship that we had on one of the days. We as believers are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, gospel seeds, […]