We need to Dig the Dirt in our Heart so that the Spirit may Spring up and Flow Freely

The rock in Exo 17 and Num. 20 is a type of Christ who was smitten for us on the cross to flow out the divine life, and the well in Num. 21 is a type of Christ within us flowing out as we cooperate to dig the dirt, dig away all the barriers. The […]

everything shall live where the river flows; we need to be absolute for the Lord and His recovery

If we see the flow, if we see God’s desire, if we see the Lord’s recovery, and if we taste of the sweet church life, yet we are not absolute for the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery, there’s a danger that we would be a swamp and a marsh. “Our stand concerning the church must be absolute. If you stand in a denomination, you should stand absolutely….If you stand on the ground of the church, you must stand absolutely. You should be either cold or hot, but you should not be lukewarm” (life-study of Ezekiel). [continue reading online]