The Divine Sanctification of the Spirit as the Center of the Divine Economy makes us Holy

The Bible reveals three aspects of sanctification, and the divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought in the New Testament – it is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely! Amen! In the Scriptures we see three […]

everything shall live where the river flows; we need to be absolute for the Lord and His recovery

If we see the flow, if we see God’s desire, if we see the Lord’s recovery, and if we taste of the sweet church life, yet we are not absolute for the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery, there’s a danger that we would be a swamp and a marsh. “Our stand concerning the church must be absolute. If you stand in a denomination, you should stand absolutely….If you stand on the ground of the church, you must stand absolutely. You should be either cold or hot, but you should not be lukewarm” (life-study of Ezekiel). [continue reading online]

we need to be born of God with the divine life in order for us to be part of the kingdom of God

It is not by our doing, our striving, or our behavior that we become part of the kingdom of God, and neither is it by our being affiliated to any of the “churches” that are out there. The only way we can become part of the kingdom of God or even see the kingdom of […]