Seeing the Crucial Points of the Lord’s Recovery of the Church in the Present Age

The desire of God’s heart is to gain the church, his corporate expression, but throughout the ages the church has become degraded; we need to see the crucial points of the Lord’s recovery of the church in the present age. The Lord has been working through the ages to recover His people back to His […]

Taking the Lead to Stand on the Unique Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness

Ever since the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead and became a life-giving Spirit which was both breathed into His disciples for their living and poured out upon them as power for their work, there is such a thing in this universe called, the church. God has on earth not only a group of […]

The Local Ground of the Church is the Oneness of the Body Practiced in the Local Churches

This week we are enjoying the spiritual significance and application of the local ground of the church. In the church life in the Lord’s recovery, we have been brought back to God’s original intention, which is to have the Body of Christ as His expression, and the universal Body of Christ is expressed in each […]