We need to Recover the Genuine Ground of Oneness for the Building up of the Church

 Because of the apostasy throughout Christendom, because of the high places and the divisions that are in Christendom today, there is the need for the recovery of the genuine ground of oneness, which is composed of the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, the unique ground of the locality, and the reality […]

Enjoy the Processed and Dispensing Triune God as Branches in the Vine and Members of Christ

The intrinsic essence of the church as the Body of Christ is the true vine, for all believers are grafted in Christ and enjoy the flow of life, partaking of the processed and dispensing Triune God and thus being one in Him! Hallelujah! We need to turn our view from anything outward related to the […]

Gathered into the Lord’s Name, in our Spirit, and with the Cross – the Ground of Oneness

Wherever we may be, when we meet with the saints, we should be gathered into the Lord’s name, in our spirit, and with the cross; this is the ground of oneness, and this keeps us one in the Body of Christ. In Deut. 12 we see a very important principle and ordination from God for […]

Standing on the Unique Ground of God’s Choice to be the Testimony of God in Oneness

This week we want to enjoy a sweet, soothing, flavorful, and aromatic word in God’s word on Jehovah’s commanded blessing of life on brothers who dwell together in oneness, and today in particular we want to see the unique ground of God’s choice – the ground of oneness. Psalms 133-134 are so sweet and wonderful, […]

Seeing the Crucial Points of the Lord’s Recovery of the Church in the Present Age

The desire of God’s heart is to gain the church, his corporate expression, but throughout the ages the church has become degraded; we need to see the crucial points of the Lord’s recovery of the church in the present age. The Lord has been working through the ages to recover His people back to His […]

Seeing the Degradation of the Church from God’s Original Intention for the Church

When we see the original condition of the church and the degradation of the church, we will realise the great need for the recovery of the church today. After the Lord Jesus died and resurrected, He came and breathed Himself into His believers and imparted the divine life into them to regenerate them for His […]

The Unique Ground of the Church – one Church in one City – in the Genuine Oneness

When speaking of the church, we first need to see its nature, and then we need to see the unique ground of the church, which is the genuine ground of oneness; in practicality, as the New Testament reveals, there is only one church in one city. This week in our morning revival we come to […]