God Created Man in His Image and According to His Likeness for Man to Express God!

On the sixth day of God’s creation and process of restoration He created man in His own image and according to His likeness (see Gen. 1:26). God’s creation of man was more particular than His creation of any other thing: there was a council held in the Three of the Godhead, and the result was […]

when we turn to our spirit we are filled with Christ and can be used by Him! (2011 WST)

even if our spirit is small and weak, and our soul is tall and strong, we need to deny our soul so that our mingled spirit may become strong. We should always have a strong inner man, a strong spirit! We need to be willing to be used by God. Our infilling of the Holy Spirit is not only for our nourishment, it is also for us to dispense. This means that we have to preach the gospel to our friends, to overthrow our schools with the word of God – the Lord wants to use us as His stepping stones. If not, then He would just pass us by and turn to another generation to fulfill His Goal. Oh Lord Jesus! Make us all willing! [sharing from a dear sister who attended the Winter School of Truth – read more online]

The Story of a High School Student – what is the meaning of my life?

When 10:30pm came around, I closed my chemistry book, kicked off my slippers and turned out the light. I leaned back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling in the quietness of my bedroom. I felt exhausted and as I lay there, I began to consider my life. My life was like a […]

God’s intention and heart’s desire is fully related to man

Throughout the whole Bible we see that God’s heart’s desire and His intention in His plan, His economy, is related to man. In Genesis 1:26 we see that, according to the council held in the Triune God, man was created according to God’s image and His likeness – and man was intended to have dominion […]