Being Daily Renewed and Freshly Transformed to Live a Life of the Altar and the Tent

 As those who are being prepared for the Lord’s return, we need to live the life of the altar and the tent by having God’s appearing and consecrating everything to Him, and we need to be renewed daily by having a transformation that is fresh daily to grow in life until we’re matured. Amen! […]

The Meaning of our Life is for God to Enter into us and be Expressed Through us

The central thought of the book of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God’s people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting. Hallelujah, Christ is the meaning of life for God’s people! Before we go on to see the need for […]

The high gospel of God’s full salvation, from redemption until the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem!

Many people living on earth today have heard, in one form/way or another, the gospel being preached to them. And especially in the highly cultured / civilized countries, there are more and more people that do NOT really want to be a Christian, but would rather adhere to atheism. The gospel that is preached today […]

The Story of a High School Student – what is the meaning of my life?

When 10:30pm came around, I closed my chemistry book, kicked off my slippers and turned out the light. I leaned back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling in the quietness of my bedroom. I felt exhausted and as I lay there, I began to consider my life. My life was like a […]

gospel story: the Spirit is carefully seeking for us (the lost coin) until He finds us

She couldn’t find it! She knew she had put in somewhere. But now it was lost and she was having a hard time locating it. She had lost a most precious silver coin. She was a hard-working woman whose labor earned her one silver coin a day. Therefore she treasured every coin she earned and worked […]

speaking to my friends about the Lord is a battle, so we need to pray for our friends to be saved!

Not long after I got saved in the Lord, I started to have a burden for my best friend; I really wanted to introduce this wonderful Christ to her. I still remembered a brother once shared that he did not have much Bible knowledge, but the zeal of his heart for the absoluteness of the […]

It is human to need God; as men, we need God!

I read this tract recently: It’s Human to need God, and I realized that it is so true: as human beings, as men, we need God! It’s not mainly because we are sinners that we need Him – Adam, in the garden of Eden, was not a sinner yet, and still he needed God as […]