Grace in Peter’s Epistles: enjoy the Multiplication of Grace by the Word of His grace

 As believers in Christ, we have grace with our spirit, for Christ as the life-giving Spirit is giving Himself freely to us and is everything to us and does everything for us; we daily enjoy the multiplication of grace, for grace is being multiplied to us to be rich, multiplying, and abounding in our […]

In the Church Life our Christian Living is the Living of Grace, the Experience of Grace

In the church life in oneness we enjoy the divine anointing and the refreshing grace of God, and our entire Christian life becomes a living of grace, an experience of grace. Psalm 133 gives us a clear picture of the church life in oneness under God’s blessing. Here the church life is both a person […]

human life at its best is filled with labor; BE SAVED from any human labor by enjoying Christ!

Today we are in the age of the jubilee – the age of grace – which means that we should have no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever, but rather we have all benefits! In the jubilee, all things are for our […]