We keep the Sabbath when we Rest and Enjoy God in a Solemn Way for His Satisfaction

The principle of the Sabbath is that God first wants us to rest and enjoy God, and then we can work together with Him. This principle applies both in creation and in redemption. When God created us, we didn’t have to work first but rest and enjoy God, and then we could work with Him. […]

the more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious and the more we love the church life!

The more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious. In the Body of Christ, Christ is the Head and we are the Body – and Christ is both the Head and the Body, since the Body is of Christ. When we enjoy Christ, when we touch Him in the morning, we actually enjoy Christ […]

human life at its best is filled with labor; BE SAVED from any human labor by enjoying Christ!

Today we are in the age of the jubilee – the age of grace – which means that we should have no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever, but rather we have all benefits! In the jubilee, all things are for our […]