As those Grafted into Christ, we should Live a Grafted Life in the Mingled Spirit

 As believers in Christ, we have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, and this grafting has made us one with Him; on His side, He went through a process to be ready to be grafted, and on our side, we also went through a process to be grafted into Him. Hallelujah! […]

The Gospel of the Kingdom must be Preached for All Men to Repent for the Kingdom!

God commands everyone to repent for the kingdom, and we in the church life need to bring the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth for a testimony, and then the end will come! The gospel of grace, the gospel of the forgiveness of sins, has been preached throughout the earth; the gospel […]

Christ is the Reality of the Cities of Refuge: as Mistake-Making Sinners, we Flee to Him!

In Num. 35 we see the cities of refuge, six cities among the cities of the Levites who were assigned to be cities of refuge; these typify the all-inclusive Christ as the embodiment of the redeeming God into whom mistaken sinners can flee for refuge. Today there’s such things as prisons, where the murderers – […]

How to Enter into the Kingdom of God, Share it, Enjoy it, and Have it as a Reward

The kingdom of God is the spreading of Christ as life into His believers to form a realm in which God ruled in His life; we enter into this kingdom by repentance, we share in this kingdom in the church life, we aspire to have the reward of the kingdom in the coming age, and […]

Christ made peace, He is our peace, and He preaches the gospel of peace

Why is the sign of the prophet Jonah so significant that the Lord said that there’s no other sign He can give people except this one? The unique sign given to us by God is the crucified and resurrected Christ preaching the gospel of peace! Just as Jonah was called by God to go to […]

by repenting and believing we can enter the kingdom of God to be God-men, God’s species

God became flesh – God became man – to enter into our race, our species, and now man becomes God in His life and nature (but not in His divine Godhead) to enter into the divine species. Man was created in the image and likeness of God with a spirit to receive God, but unless man makes a conscious decision under the divine light to receive the life of God, man is still man, part of the human kingdom. We are not “born Christian” by human birth but by our opening to the Lord to receive Him in our heat as Lord and Savior, even as our life. [read more online]

Where are You? Hiding from God! Dead in Sins! Yet the Lord Jesus came to seek you to die for you!

The title of the conference this past weekend was, Where Are You? The year 7 conference in Coventry was wonderful – we had 12 young ones from cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Exeter, London, Cambridge, Bristol, etc. As I was sharing recently concerning this age group via, Year 7 Conference in Coventry this weekend! – we […]