at His second return Christ will recover the earth and solve all the problems of humanity!

There are so many problems in this world – there are many vices, the political system is very unhealthy, there are many contradictions in the human institutions, the future looks gloomy… The more people consider this situation, the more they are confused – and the more problems come! How can someone survive in the next generation? There is food shortage, there’s much injustice, the prisons are full with people, there are crisis between nations, cultures, races, religions, etc … What should our attitude be as Christians, as believers in Christ? Hallelujah, God has prepared a solution for all these problems! It is not through our doing something today outwardly, but it is at the Lord’s second return that all these problems will be solved! [continue reading this portion inspired from brother Andrew Yu’s sharing in the Crystallization Study of Psalms (2)]

via Why Are There So Many Problems in the World? What is the REAL PROBLEM?

Did you read the last article via – why are there so many problems in the world? Especially recently with all the problems going on in the world – in almost every continent – you can’t help it but ask yourself: WHY? Why so many wars, unstable situations, natural calamities, etc? Why so many […]