We’re Regenerated with a Divine and Royal Life to Reign in Life as the Lord’s Overcomers

 In order for us as believers in Christ to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with God’s life, which is a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; the kingdom seed was sown into us to grow and develop until it reaches the […]

via truthquestions.org.uk: Why Are There So Many Problems in the World? What is the REAL PROBLEM?

Did you read the last article via TruthQuestions.org.uk – why are there so many problems in the world? Especially recently with all the problems going on in the world – in almost every continent – you can’t help it but ask yourself: WHY? Why so many wars, unstable situations, natural calamities, etc? Why so many […]