We can Continually enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Inheritance in our Spirit

The all-inclusive Christ is our inheritance; we have been saved, forgiven of our sins, and transferred into Christ as the realm of life and light, and we were given an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Christ – Christ is our inheritance and we’re becoming God’s inheritance! Hallelujah! The Father qualified us, the believers […]

Paul’s Gospel concerns Christ as the Spirit Living in us and the Body of Christ

The Bible is the complete divinely inspired word of God, His letter written to us with the help of men who were borne of the Holy Spirit, and every book in the Bible is God’s speaking, focusing on God’s economy, His eternal plan. In His sovereignty, God has allowed certain books to be in the […]

we are going through a metamorphic change to become the Body of Christ, God’s glorious expression

The Body of Christ is a mysterious organism composed of the union and mingling of the Triune God and the believers (see Eph. 4:4-6). In the Body of Christ we as the believers are joined to the Triune God and are being continually mingled with the Triune God. In this organic structure, God the Father […]