Enjoy Christ as the Land of Milk and Honey to be Constituted with Him and Minister Him

One wonderful way for us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the good land in His redeeming and generating aspects is by eating God’s words, for God’s word is milk for us to drink and honey to eat. The good land to which the Old Testament makes reference again and again is a land flowing […]

being a Christian student on the Campus – so sweet to start uni with the saints in the church life!

This semester has been so enjoyable. This has been my first semester at uni and at the same time in the church life – and the difference is so big! I know that I have a solid support network and the more I focus on the Lord, the less I worry and the more I enjoy my lessons. The best part is the saints. They support me in every way, they help me with my work, they cheer me up when I’m down, they entertain me when I’m bored… [read more online]