Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase

We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and […]

only Christ as the new wine satisfies! (sharing from the college age conference)

This was my first college age conference and after the messages I know that it definitely was not my last! We covered the Gospel of John which is about “life and building”, and one of the verses I really enjoyed was John 10:10b, which says, I have come that they may have life and may […]

God’s pleasure is to be the fountain of living waters to dispense Himself into us and make us His increase

This is what God desires – this is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart – to be the fountain of living waters that man may drink Him, enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and become His enlargement, His increase, His expression. In His economy, God intends to be the fountain, the source, of […]