Practicing to Live by the Spirit as the Elementary Rule to be the Israel of God

God desires to get a group of people who express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion. For this, He created man in His own image and likeness (Gen. 1:26) and He prepares everything for man to take God in as the tree of life and live by Him. However, man fell, […]

The Believers in Christ are the Real Israel of God and the Many Sons of God

The church of God is composed of the many genuine believers in Christ and has many aspects. One aspect of the church is being the Israel of God (Gal. 6:15-16). Maybe for us today this may not mean much, but for the Apostle Paul – who was born a Jew – this means a lot. […]

Hallelujah, we are the new creation, where everything is new because God in it is new!

Hallelujah, we’re no longer only the old creation – we now have God in us! It is so good to be reminded what the new creation is, and that we need to live in the reality of the new creation today! I enjoyed this so much in the second message from the video training on […]